to May 21

Works 2017

Works 2017 will feature 3 premiere works by company members Ashleigh Doede, Jenn Logan, and artistic director Nancy Evans Doede.

TERRITORIES, a premiere work by Nancy Evans Doede explores the boundaries between people—some territorial, some cultural, circumstantial or self-imposed. “As an artist, I cannot be ignorant of or indifferent to changes in the social and political environment of my community and the world at large. I must respond.” Acknowledging that fear is the common factor that keeps human beings from erasing the lines that separate us, Nancy uses the medium of dance theatre to provide an opportunity for the audience to experience not only turmoil, but possibility—inviting them to become part of the solution. Doede explains, “TERRITORIES is pro-humanity piece. Though it sheds light on the negative and desperate sides of how boundaries of land and thought divide us from one another, I ultimately choose to reach for hope.”

Also on the program are new works choreographed by company members. Using artistic director Doede's road sign prompt, Ashleigh Doede created SLIP, a journey from calculated steps to total abandon—an arc of exploration in movement and emotion, inspired by the sign "slippery when wet." Jenn Logan used "right turn only" as a basis for the movement and narrative in AUTOMATA. 

MAY 20 AT 8PM & MAY 21 AT 4PM

ARC (A Room to Create) 1158 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91106

Following the Sunday, May 21st performance NEDT’s board of directors will host a gala reception with food, wine, silent auction and an opportunity to meet and mingle with the dancers.



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7:30 PM19:30

Los Angeles Dance Festival

Presented by Brockus Project Dance and Théâtre Raymond Kabbaz
NEDT is thrilled to take part in this year's Los Angeles Dance Festival. Company member Jenn Logan will be performing 3 Tasks for 5 Minutes Each, Once a Day, 25 Days choreographed by Rebecca Levy.
LADF Fringe Festival at Diavolo Theater
May 6 at 7:30 & 9:30PM

Diavolo Space
is located just east of Downtown LA in the Brewery Arts Complex
Doors 0pen 1/2 hour before each show, General Seating
Cash or check at door

Tickets available at

Artistic Director Nancy Evans Doede will be teaching a master class Saturday, May 20 at 10:00am. Sign up for classes here.

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1:00 PM13:00

Processing 2

Join in the process of creating new work for our upcoming season.

Every artist has their own unique approach. Whether they use improvisation, visual prompts, narrative-based concepts, pure movement phrases or a combination of the above; a complete work is an evolution. But what the audience rarely sees is the evolutionary process—the hours in the studio spent honing a message or movement.

Join NEDT Sunday, March 19, 2017 at 1:00 for a behind-the-scenes look at new works, and talk with the choreographers and dancers about how they were developed and continue to evolve.

This event is free, but donations are welcome. Please RSVP by March 15, 2017 to reserve your space.

Linda M. Grinstead Theater at La Salle High School

3880 E Sierra Madre Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91107

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5:00 PM17:00


Don your best disguise & have your password ready for an underground costume party benefitting Nancy Evans Dance Theatre

Saturday, February 25, 2017 AT 5:00 PM

1112 Olmsted • Glendale, CA 91202

Tickets are $75 ($50 Per Ticket Tax-deductible)



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1:00 PM13:00

10th Annual Pasadena Dance Festival

Polytechnic School Campus

1030 E California Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91106

NEDT is thrilled to kick off 2017 performing in the Lineage Dance's Pasadena Dance Festival. This annual festival highlights Pasadena's dance community and features performers and teachers from throughout Los Angeles. 

NEDT will be presenting a brand new work choreographed by artistic director, Nancy Doede, performed by Ashleigh Doede and Jenn Logan.

Take class between 9:00am and 5:30pm, and catch great performances throughout the day. Don't miss it!

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1:00 PM13:00


How does a dance work come to be? It’s a process.

Every artist has their own unique approach. Whether they use improvisation, visual prompts, narrative-based concepts, pure movement phrases or a combination of the above; a complete work is an evolution. But what the audience rarely sees is the evolutionary process—the hours in the studio spent honing a message or movement.

Join NEDT Sunday, January 22, 2017 at 1:00 for an informal showing and discussion about their unique process for developing new work for the upcoming season.

This event is free, but donations are welcome. Please RSVP by January 15, 2017 to reserve your space.

Linda M. Grinstead Theater at La Salle High School

3880 E Sierra Madre Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91107

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to Nov 6


A creative offering of dance, physical theater, visual art, and theater by artists creating in Goleta, Los Angeles, New York, Jacksonville and Santa Barbara

LOS ANGELES --> November 5 @ 1:00 pm - Pieter

SANTA BARBARA --> November 6 @ 6:00 pm - Gail Towbes Center for Dance


Mindy Nelson (ArtBark)

Jenn Logan/Rebecca Levy (Nancy Evans Dance Theatre)  

Trina Mannino (ArtBark International), Barbara Mahler

E. Bonnie Lewis and Ken Gilbert (DramaDogs - a Theater Company), Valerie Mulberry

Stephen Kelly (ArtBark International), Misa Kelly (ArtBark International)

Tickets: $10

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to Aug 21

MixMatch Dance Festival

The 10th Annual MixMatch Dance Festival

> Saturday, August 20, 2016 @ 7:30pm

NEDT dancers Ashleigh Doede and Jenn Logan will perform Casualties: 2 of 35,000 choreographed by Nancy Evans Doede.

> Sunday, August 21, 2016 @ 2:00pm

NEDT dancer Jenn Logan will perform Three tasks for 5 minutes each, once a day, 25 days choreographed by Rebecca R. Levy, artistic director of Jacksonville Dance Theatre.

Miles Memorial Playhouse - 1130 Lincoln Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90403

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to Jun 19

WORKS 2016

Nancy Evans Dance Theatre presents WORKS 2016: 8 Works, 2 Takes!  Join us for an evening of dance and theatricality that is the signature of NEDT.  We have taken some of our best-loved repertory, created by Nancy Evans Doede, Ashleigh Doede, Jenn Logan, Katrina Amerine, and Scot Tupper, and revised them in a new and exciting way.  Our intimate work will be presented in the appropriately intimate ARC (A Room To Create), located in Pasadena. Tickets may be purchased in advance (recommended) below, or at the door.  

Friday June 17th 8pm
Saturday June 18th 8pm
Sunday, June 19th 6pm

ARC (A Room To Create), 1158 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena 91106

Wheelchair accessibile, free parking on site or on the street.


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to Oct 11

Friends/Family/Dance/Festival 2015.5

Join us for our 5th Annual F/F/D/F.

Performances are Saturday, Oct. 10 at 8:00 p.m. and Sunday, Oct.11 at 7:00 p.m. at ARC in Pasadena.

Participating companies include:

Art Bark International

Megill & Company

Nancy Evans Dance Theatre


Watson Dance

DEW/Deiss Energy Work

Roots and Wings Dance Project

Rubans Rouges/PTERO Dance

San Pedro City Ballet

Jessica Kondrath | The Movement


Saturday, Oct. 10 8pm
Sunday, Oct. 11 7pm

Located at ARC in Pasadena: 1158 East Colorado Blvd, Pasadena, California 91106


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Be Part of F/F/D/F 2015.5
to Aug 23

Be Part of F/F/D/F 2015.5

Call for Submissions

Deadline: August 21, 2015

Performances: October 10 & 11, 2015

Venue: Porticos Art Space in Pasadena

Open to all companies or individual choreographers with a work no longer than 10 minutes. More than one piece may be submitted for performance. 

Both performances will be identical, so dancers will be performing at both the 8:00 p.m. Saturday show and the 4:00 Sunday show. A tech rehearsal and separate dress rehearsal will be announced once programming has been determined.

Fee to submit: $20 per submission

Submission Fee

Any questions regarding the festival can be directed to

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to May 31

WORKS 2015

Two Acts Featuring 

NEDT’s Premiere Apartment 6D

Choreographed by 6 NEDT Company Members

Sweet Sorrow, A Zombie Ballet (Act One)

Choreography by Leigh Purtill in collaboration with NEDT

May 29 & 30 at 8pm, May 31 at 4pm 

Porticos art space at St. James Methodist Church

Learn more about Sweet Sorrow and donate to our IndieGoGo Campaign!

Friday, May 29 at 8pm
Saturday, May 30
Sunday, May 31 at 4pm
Works 2015 PC

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to Feb 1

Friends/Family/Dance/Festival 2015

Join us for our 4th Annual F/F/D/F.

Performances are Saturday, Jan. 31 at 8:00 p.m. and Sunday, Feb. 1 at 4:00 p.m. at Porticos Art Space in Pasadena.

Participating companies include:

Art Bark International

C. Eule Dance

Deanna Reeves

Jessica Kondrath | The Movement

Megill & Company

Nancy Evans Dance Theatre

Leigh Purtill


Selah Dance Collective

Watson Dance


Saturday, January 31 at 8pm
Sunday, February 1st at 4pm*

*Special discount with offer code available on tickets purchased at the door.

Located at St. James Methodist Church  2033 E. Washington Blvd., Pasadena

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6:00 PM18:00

ArtNight Pasadena

Enjoy a free evening of art, music and entertainment as Pasadena’s most prominent arts and cultural institutions swing open their doors. Last fall, 14,000 people experienced the excitement of ArtNight.

NEDT's newest Company members Jacob & Harriet will perform Jenn Logan's Coupling at ARC.


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to Aug 31


NEDT is excited to participate in MixMatch again this year. Join us Saturday or Sunday, or both, for the 8th Annual MixMatch Dance Festival at Miles Memorial Playhouse in Santa Monica.

Beast  -  Saturday, August 30 at 7:30

Casualties (Excerpt)  - Sunday, August 31 at 2:00

For tickets and information click here.

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5:00 PM17:00

ArtBark International Show N’ Tell Performance Series

A celebration of boutique performing arts collectives and companies
Date: May 24th
Time: 5:00 pm
Place: Montecito School of Ballet – 529 E. Guttierrez, Santa Barbara, CA
Cost: Free, but donations welcome – bring snacks to share!
Dress Code: Casual and Celebratory

ArtBark International, through their Show N’ Tell Performance Series, continues to cultivate local, regional, national and international arts community. This playful series celebrates boutique performing arts groups committed to balancing creative excellence and building community.  Drawing from the paradigm created through their ADaPT and Affinity Festivals they offer the same exciting exchange on a smaller scale testing sustainable models of sharing the arts with their community.

NEDT will be performing three sections from our most recent evening of work presented at Porticos Art Space in Pasadena, CA as a part of their WORKS concert series.

Tethered - A triple duet that explores the connection that relationships have — the connection that keeps them together or forces them apart.

Casualties - A commemoration of the 100th year anniversary of the start of World War I. This piece is seen from the perspective of the women left behind, as each mourns the loss of a husband, a lover, a brother.

Alter Ego  - A duet that tackles the battle between our inner and outer selves.

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to May 18

Works 2014

We are very excited about this concert series, as we have many new works, a new company guest and the always entertaining choreography of Frit & Frat Fuller's KIN Dance.  NEDT will premiere four new complete works of dance theatre from the choreographic visions of company members Katrina Amerine, Jenn Logan, Scot Tupper and Artistic Director Nancy Evans Doede. The versatility of our dancers stretch from modern to contemporary to pointe – yes, pointe.  Scot Tupper continues his "Be Afraid of Virginia Woolf" piece with a new installment – his interpretation of the Three LIttle Pigs, sur la pointe, to music ranging from "Faust" to Gilbert and Sullivan.  Nancy Evans Doede's "Casualties" is dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the beginning of World War I, and is seen from the point of view of the women left behind.  Nikolaos Crist Doede's piece "There Between", which was a favorite with audiences in our November Friends/Family 2013, will be reprised in WORKS 2014.  Evans Doede's "Tethered", which premiered in our first WORKS 2010, has been restaged, and marks the debut of our newest company guest, Michael K. Rowley.  Katrina Amerine's new work focuses on the predatory nature in animal/dancer, and Jenn Logan's new duet peers into the sometime symbiotic, sometime antagonistic relationship we experience with our alter-ego.  Add into that eclectic mix the energetic, inventive and often humorous work of Frit & Frat Fuller, who will bring three pieces to our WORKS 2014. 

Join us for a Q&A session following Saturday's performance, where audience and dancers/choreographers have the opportunity to converse, offer feedback and question us about our process in making dances.

Friday, May 16 at 8pm
Saturday, May 17 at 8 pm

A Q & A will follow the Saturday, May 17 performance.

Sunday, May 18 at 7pm

PORTICOS ART SPACE at St. James Methodist Church 

2033 E. Washington Blvd, Pasadena, CA

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